The DOJ is being weaponized against pro-lifers.

2 years ago

The Department of Justice is being weaponized against pro-lifers. Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen multiple coordinated, intentional attacks by the Biden administration utilizing the DOJ as a political weapon to raid the homes of pro-life sidewalk counselors. This is an example of the law attacking those who are protecting the weak, instead of the law being used to PROTECT the weak.

The purpose of law is to enact justice and protect freedoms, especially for the most vulnerable. We have rule of law to curb the worst excesses of the human heart. Those that use their power to harm others are abusing their responsibilities as leaders. The purpose of law is to protect our freedom to do the GOOD. These brave pro-lifers are being persecuted by the DOJ for doing good, for standing for LIFE. The law should be protecting preborn children, but it instead protects abortionists to kill children. Laws that are weaponized against the weak are no laws at all. Rulers who take advantage of their power to hurt the weak are no leaders at all.

Spread the word about the DOJ’s injustice and continue to demand justice for all, born and preborn.

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