FREE WINTER HEATING that won't kill you

1 year ago

If you're thinking about creating an alternative form of indoor heat this winter, think twice about using highly flammable fluids such as Ethanol, Methanol, Alcohol etc.
Most people who are not aware of the dangers and who simple watch someone else show you 'how to create a cheat and easy heating solution', forget that accidents can happen and that messing with the these fuels can end in disaster.
This video is intended to show how even someone with experience can accidentally cause a fire that could have ended much worse.

Plant pot heaters may seem safe enough but even they have burnt people boats, caravans and houses to the ground.

Always take precautions when work with or around fuel heaters and open flames.

I'm passionate about sharing things that enhance people's lives for the good of all.

I share practical builds to make people's lives more comfortable and the journey a little lighter.

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