RT News - October 19th 2022

1 year ago

The Commander of Russia's military operation offers relocation for civilians from around the city of Kherson adding the situation in the area is "tense" and unveiling Kiev's apparent plans to launch indiscriminate attacks. Kherson became part of Russian Federation following referendums held last month.

Enerdogar has been under attack by Kiev forces with US himars fired directly into civilian areas, also into Bryansk, Zaporozhye and other front line civilian-only regions.

Africa begins its energy week, addressing key issues of its future energy security amid pressure by the West on African states to tighten their carbon emission belts while millions fight for survival.

Protests against foreign intervention intensify in Haiti, as the United Nations chief joins calls for “armed action” in the country, seemingly ignoring widespread opposition on the ground. Please see previous posts on this channel or RT website re: Haiti in the past weeks. The citizens of Haiti view the presence of US as hostile and a primary cause of Haiti's ongoing problems, financial and political.

A third day of mourning starts in Yeysk after the awful plane crash.

US Senators seek to fund even more money for weapons to Ukraine, even as a 100% recession is forecast for America. The proposed Bill will also include $10 billion for weapons to Taiwan.

Ukraine said the civilian property hit on Monday in Kiev was the result of a Russian drone being shot down.

More western news outlets are being paid (or are offered to be paid) to post Ukraine propaganda as news.

Frontier 2022 exercises are underway in Tajikistan.

AOC says the anti-war protesters who asked her questions about why she is supporting the dangerous war in Ukraine are "right-wing Trump supporters" and "pro-Russian". Earlier, Elon Musk had proposed some ideas for peace in Ukraine and has come under attack.

From RT website 19 Oct, 2022 07:29 Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant

Ukraine tries to capture nuclear plant – Russian official

The amphibious operation in Zaporozhye Region involved 30 boats and followed artillery shelling, according to Vladimir Rogov

Kiev launched an amphibious operation against the Russian city of Energodar in Zaporozhye Region, a senior local official has reported.

Ukrainian commandos used around 30 speed boats overnight to cross the Dnepr River, targeting the city, Vladimir Rogov said, as cited on Wednesday morning by Russian media.

“After artillery shelling of the city, they attempted to land, including to capture the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. The fighting continued for several hours, at least three or three and a half. The assault was fended off,” he said.

Earlier in the day the city administration reported Ukrainian artillery attacks on several key facilities in Energodar, including the city administration building, an access road, and a transformer station crucial for its power supply. The latter was disabled, causing a blackout, the head of the city administration, Aleksandr Volga, said.

Energodar is located in Zaporozhye Region, one of four former Ukrainian regions that voted to become part of Russia last month. Energodar has been under Russian control since March.

The Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, the largest facility of its kind in Europe, is located on the shore of the Dnepr just outside the city. The site was the focus of a diplomatic spat between Russia and Ukraine, with both sides accusing each other of attacking it and risking a nuclear disaster. Kiev also claimed that Russia was stationing heavy weapons at the facility, which Moscow denies. Russia formally included the plant in its civilian atomic energy infrastructure earlier this month.

The provincial capital, the city of Zaporozhye, remains under Ukrainian control and served as the staging ground for the amphibious operation, according to Rogov.

via RT https://www.rt.com/russia/564948-energodar-ukraine-amphibious-attack/

Via RT 18 Oct, 2022 21:49

Kherson Region will relocate civilians to safety – governor

The Russian region will move its citizens away from the right bank of the Dnepr River amid the ongoing fighting

A relocation of civilians from the battle zone was announced by Vladimir Saldo, the caretaker governor of the new Russian region of Kherson, on Tuesday. The move comes amid a new looming Ukrainian offensive and potential attempts by Kiev to destroy the dam of a local hydroelectric power plant, the governor explained.

“There is an immediate danger of flooding in the territories due to the planned destruction of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam and release of water from a cascade of power plants upstream of the Dnepr River,” Saldo said.

The decision comes as the Russian military is reinforcing its positions in the region, Saldo explained. The relocation will help avoid mass civilian casualties from the ongoing hostilities and enable “the Russian troops to perform their duties in defending Kherson Region.”

The civilian population will be now withdrawn to the left bank of Dnepr in “an organized, step-by-step fashion, and accommodated for free,” Saldo explained. Residents of Kherson Region who are willing to move to somewhere else in Russia will be provided with real estate certificates, in accordance with guidelines announced earlier in the day by the Russian government, the governor added.

The announcement comes as Russian Army General Sergey Surovikin, the recently-appointed commander of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, made his first public remarks since assuming his role in early October. Speaking to the Rossiya-24 broadcaster, the general admitted that the situation around Kherson was “tense” and “difficult decisions” may have to be made.

Kherson Region has been under the control of the Russian military since March. The region, along with neighboring Zaporozhye and the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, overwhelmingly voted to join Russia during a referendum in late September. The polls were rejected by Kiev and its Western backers, who denounced them as a “sham” and refused to acknowledge their outcome.

via RT https://www.rt.com/russia/564930-kherson-region-civilians-fighting/

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