Project BUHAWI to be installed on more Ships, France offers Subs in exchange for Oil Exploration

2 years ago

Project Building a Universal Mount for Heavy-Barrel Automated Weapon Integration or Project BUHAWI could go into Mass Production and installation on more Navy Ships soon, and France's offer to supply Submarines to the Philippines turns out to have some complicated Strings Attached to it

* Audio generated from the Website using the English (UK) - Male - (Ryan) (GB) TTS Server 2

* Images and Videos used are from the:
- Science PH Website
- Philippine News Agency (PNA) Website
- Naval Group YouTube Channel
- Wikimedia Commons

* Music is "On Your Six" by Arthur Vyncke from the FreeStockMusicdotcom Website

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#DepartmentofScienceandTechnology #DOST #ProjectBuildingaUniversalMountforHeavyBarrelAutomatedWeaponIntegration #ProjectBUHAWI #PhilippineNavy #JoseFaustinoJunior #DepartmentofNationalDefense #DND #BRPHeracleoAlano #PC376 #SouthChinaSea #SCS #MannyVPangilinan #MVP

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