What's the evicence?

1 year ago

Dear Friend, Jesus said a very significant thing in John 4:20-24 "that ye must worship in spirit and in truth." How do we do this? By believing the Gospel 1 Cor 15:1-4. Once we believed the Death/Burial/Resurrection on the 3rd day as full payment for our sins, we are sealed by the Spirit of God. Eph 1:13/ 2 Thess 2:13-14/ Col 2:10-15 / Acts 15:5-11/ Acts 28:27 and the Holy Ghost reveals to us His truth. John 16:13; 17:17.

That's why in 1 Cor 1:18 "The preaching of the cross is foolishness to them that perish."

The first four words of the Bible debunks all the false religions and philosophies of man. Atheism is a religion for godless intellects. Polytheism is null and void. Evolution is another religion for vain intellectuals (Romans 1:20-23). Unitarianism and pantheism are debunked because God and heaven are separate. Greek philosophy also perishes in the light of the beginning of the earth (Col. 2:8). Existentialism and fatalism fade away because the omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient Godhead worked together in this creative act (Col.1:15-18; Heb.11:1-3). Jesus Christ taught creationism (Mark 13:19). Any rational and scientific mind can reason with only four possibilities for the earth's existence.

The four choices are:
1) the earth is eternal naturally,
2) the earth naturally created itself,
3) an outside and intelligent Being created the earth or
4) the earth is not really here because it is imaginary.

Honest and true science disproves the first two possibilities by the first two laws of thermodynamics. Nothing can create itself naturally and everything with time degenerates toward less energy, more chaos, confusion, destruction, and eventually death. ( Mother Nature left to her pagan self ends up in hell. James 3:6).

The only Theism that the bible teaches is Monotheism ONE GOD Whom exist As a Godhead =
The bible says that there are three that bare record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 1st John 5:7 (To understand this however you need to be born again. Unbelievers wrest this to their own destruction)

The Reason we can know the King James Bible is 100% the pure word of God is Jesus fulling over 300 of IT"S WRITTEN AND RECORDED Prophecies some 2000 years before His Virgin Birth.

John 13:19 says “Now I tell you before it come, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe that I am he.” and John 14:29 says something similar, God wanted His Jewish people to know He was whom He said He was through knowledge of His Prophetic word.

No other book on earth is prophetic without error... It is a Gift from God to men from the mouth of the Oracles of God whom were moved by the Holy Ghost to write down what God had provided them to write.

Not Buddha, not Muhammad, not Mary, Not the Pope, or the Mass not your church or anything or anyone else—only Christ has the required credentials! The fulfillment of scores of specific prophecies in the life, death and resurrection 3rd day of Jesus of Nazareth should be absolute proof that He is the true and only Savior.

Mathematically speaking, the odds of anyone fulfilling this amount of prophecy are staggering. Mathematicians put it this way:

1 person fulfilling 8 prophecies: 1 in 10 to the 17th power (That's 100,000,000,000,000,000)
1 person fulfilling 48 prophecies: 1 chance in 10 to the 157th power
1 person fulfilling 300+ prophecies: Only Jesus!

So my friend is your faith on the sinless Lamb of God, His Atoning Blood Sacrifice made once without blemish for full payment for your sins.

If not I pray that the Lord reveals to you why He had to come to live a sinless life, die on the cross and shed His precious blood for us and resurrect on the 3rd day as a promise to those that believe on Him that they too will never die but be with the Lord.

It's the only way you can truly read the bible and understand it.

You can have the truth in your hand but if you are not in spirit, you will not understand it.

Furthermore to those of you whom like to believe the lies they teach you in school like Evolution who claims the Earth is billions of years old which goes beyond the laws of thermodynamics.
I'll leave you with two things you can think about on your own time.

Super-Nova Remnants are known to happen on a average of every 26 years and scientists only have found 250 of them in total existence. That would put the age of the Earth at about 6,500 which fits biblical doctrine, not millions or billions but thousands of years old.

To put it another way if Evolutionist were correct and for the sake of argument let’s say the earth is 2.6 billion years old. that means they would be able to trace back 100,000,000 Super Nova Remnants not just 250.

Even if you still want to think that the Earth came into existence as an cosmic accident, life can’t come from non life. Sir Frederick Hoyle a Cambridge Astro physicist says the chances of DNA coming to be on its own, complex as it is, 1/10 to the 40,000 power, impossible!

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