☘️Claddaghduff Cleggan Bay County Galway Ireland/Clifden Cycle Hub-Loop Two☘️

2 years ago

☘️ 10/18/2022 After a hearty breakfast we left Glenlo Abbey along the River Corrib located on the outskirts of Galway City and made our way out to the Claddaghduff coastline. The weather wasn’t looking great, but started to break by the time we reached Maam Cross on Route N59. There was an overlook which hosted beautiful views of Killary Bay Little. By the time we turned off N59 onto R379 known as Clifden Cycle Hub-Loop Two, the weather was picture perfect. This led us to some up close spectacular views of the Claddaghduff coastline. If you make it out this way be careful as lots of sheep cross the roadway. Hope you enjoyed the video.☘️

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