The Rambling Nomad S1E05 - "The Addicts"

2 years ago

In this one I show my insensitivity to other people's struggles. I guess that would make me an asshole, but you have to realize that everyone else is insensitive to my struggles too. We're all assholes and we should all do better. Don't hold your breath though.

---Credits & Technical---
Directed, Written By, & Staring Johnny Nebulous
Filmed on 24 January 2022

Don't follow me on Twitter @JohnnyNebulous_

11:39 Ain't Shit

All content is original and owned solely by myself, created under GFT Industries and published by MAX15Characters (both owned and wholly staffed by me.) This contract is valid as of 24 March 1987 and good until I tell myself to fuck off or sell everything to a soulless corporation. Any content can be re-purposed for fair and legal use with permission and a link to the original work. Any commercial use of this content is strictly prohibited without permission.

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