Practical Balance - Raid at Mar-a-Lago

1 year ago

Raid at Mar-a-Lago

I wanted to let you know that this video was removed from YouTube for violating their "Community Guidelines" and we were given a warning.

We dared to discuss the possibility that the 2020 election has been rigged and stolen.

Please enjoy this video here on Rumble.
Over the last couple of weeks, we have been hearing about how the FBI, DOJ, and the Biden Administration, raided former President Donald and First Lady Melania Trump’s home in Palm Beach, Florida. This is an unprecedented move by the government against a former president.

Janice and I asked Spirit what this means, and it looks like the Deep State is doing all it can to prevent Donald Trump from running for office again. However, the desired goal backfired on them.

It instead gave the Trumps more support from the American population. While approaching 2012, Jen described what she was told back in 2010. Spirit shared with her that the negative timeline was not supported. Those people having a negative agenda would not only fail in their attempts to carry out their destructive plans, but that it would reveal their diabolical natures, and adversely affect their karma.

The Deep State wanted to humiliate the Trump family, but because they were so poorly treated while in office, their spirits were strengthened to such things. Spirit says Donald, Melania and family are only laughing at their desperate behavior and are proving the weakness of the Deep State.

Spirit is asking humanity how much more are we willing to take before we get off the coach and take action to save our world. This not only affects America but the entire world. Someone will have to go first, and hopefully, the rest will follow.

People wonder why Spirit has not swooped in to save us, and their answer is, they are waiting to see how long it takes for us, to care enough to save ourselves. Do we have to lose everything before we act?

The good news is, the High Council has already decided that the Earth is worth saving, and she herself is a conscious being who has decided to save herself. Any of us who want to raise our vibration can go with her. What will you choose to do? Raise your vibration and participate, or stay on the couch and repeat the 26,0000-year 3D cycle again on another planet?

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To find out more about Janice Whiting
Facebook: @LiftedSpiritz – Janice Whiting
Instagram: @Liftedspiritzguide

To find out more about Jen Westlake

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