1 year ago


If you receive an abusive reply to comment from an account calling itself "Thecrowhouse" telling you to unsubscribe. It is NOT me. Flag and mute the poster. If you recieve a private message from an account calling itself "ThecrowhouseOfficial" on telegram asking you to invest in crypto. It is NOT me. Do not invest. If you see a comment here from an account calling itself "Max Igan Legal Fund" claiming my sister has been arrested. It is NOT me. Do not send them any money. If you receive a message on instagram from Max_igan11 asking you to invest in anything. It is NOT me. Flag and block the account. These type of attacks are becoming more frequent. They have even, since last night, somewhow managed to remove the comment I have had pinned for almost 3 months warning everyone of these things. Please be aware that this channel is under constant attack, I will NEVER send you a random personal message unless you are someone I actually know, and you should use discernment if ever approached or contacted online by anyone claiming to be me.

Max you just rock just by been you. If I would be you and trolls attack me I would be happy, the more they attack the bigger smile I would get because I know how weak they are and the more they try the weaker they get, so just enjoy the show and wish them well. You are funny in a good way, sometimes you "overreact" and in the second moment you come down and speak more wise words. You have been 20 years on this path and current clown world is enough for many, sometimes I react the same and then come down but it makes me smile to see same traits in you like I do. I guess you became little crazy repeating same stuff for decade and seeing people in truth community still arguing over details, you just nail the truth so well every time. I very often lay in bed before sleep and are grateful for your existent, I have watched probably over 200 hours your walk and talks beginning from 2020. I can see thru your soul and your authenticity, I fell your passion to safe humanity and that is what your soul came to do here so that is the reason why you have been continue making this video even when your mind don't want to. You just have forgotten how powerful your soul is because you have been so long in this 3D hologram world in Max avatar. My kindly suggestion is to try magic mushrooms one more time it will be different experience than what you had long time ago. Even when I take them once a month I get big wow every time, it's like rebirth. I think you need to reborn again to your soul consciousness to see how your path will continue next 5 years, there is crazy and beautiful time ahead we just need to walk the right path for smooth ride.

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"The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater." - Frank Zappa

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