Imagine Seeing With Your Own Eyes How Someone Does Something Like This

1 year ago

It’s hard to trust when you see it on video. But when you see something like this in real life, it’s just shocking.

It made me reconsider everything I ever thought about energy.

And it put me on a path of wanting to learn everything about this stuff…

I started studying and understanding qi-gong, neidan, shamanism, yoga, rei chi, and pretty much everything else that seemed worthy of my attention…

I also started studying channeling materials like Abraham Hicks, Bashar, Kryon and I made sure to take plenty of time because I wanted to understand every word they were saying…

And for the past 8 years, I’ve been mostly meditating, while my life got better and better.

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My rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis improved for the better…

And the more I gained experience in spirituality and meditation, the more manifestation started to make more sense to me.

Recently I started using more and more advanced manifestation techniques (some I learned from other places and some I figured out myself)and things have started happening even faster…

Even more, money started coming
More romance was appearing at every turn
And my health was in a better condition than ever before in my life…
So that’s when I decided to create…

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