😯Proof! One Side of The Aisle MORE Likely to Believe Lies🤔

1 year ago

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Facts and truth don't care about your political agenda. Misinformation and disinformation is everywhere now a days. In fact, it seems like both sides of the political isle have their own set of facts and that neither can be trusted! Often we're left to our own observations about the world around us to figure out the truth. The fact that many minorities are switching political sides and becoming more right wing is a truth we can observe happening around us and confirmed by polls. Let's take a look at this poll that shows this fact and the fact that the democrats are using racist tropes to try and justify why these minority groups are becoming increasingly more republican.

News Viewers Poll: https://www.dailywire.com/news/poll-most-cnn-msnbc-viewers-say-disinformation-causing-hispanics-to-vote-republican?dg

Florida Bill: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2022/1557/?Tab=BillText

#political #politics #trump #politicalmemes #republican #news #memes #election #conservative #democrat #liberal #congress #meme #biden #vote #usa #government #freemarket #america #democrats #freedom

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