RT News - October 18th 2022 LATE

1 year ago

A Ukrainian soldier admits that his unit caused a Russian drone to hit a civilian building in Kiev by shooting it down. That's as Ukraine has been accusing Russia of targeting residential areas - which Moscow denies.

14 people are killed and dozens injured after a military jet crashes near a residential building in south-western Russia. Investigators say the aircraft apparently suffered a technical failure.

China condemns what it calls an illegal entering of its consulate in Manchester after several rioters - portrayed by Western media as democratic protesters - stormed the consulate gate and assaulted an employee.

EU countries fail to agree a price cap on Russian gas, as they scramble to prepare for the coming winter and will reportedly have to get through it without Chinese LNG exports - said to have been suspended by Beijing.

The EU says there's plenty of money but not for the people, it's for the blocks security and military needs. There are mass protests all across Europe.

In Manchester, rioters stormed the China consulate. UK media has spun a story to cast it's usual skewed view of what happened.

The meeting of the World Health Organisation in Berlin has caused protests. The treatment of some of the attendees has been a disgrace too.

In east Africa, one person dies every 36 seconds. Grain and dry goods shipments destined for Africa were hijacked by the EU, Britain and well-off "emerging economies" and didn't reach the promised ports of destination in Africa and other countries suffering from famine. See previous posts from this channel re: Turkey/Russia negotiated shipments. (will post in comments) (QueenStreet observation: What is SO SO wrong about this, is that the "hijacked shipments" took too long for Ukraine/Russia/Turkey to broker as unnecessary food shortages commenced in EU and Britain and artificial price hikes started - these hijacked shipments which SHOULD have gone to Africa and other needy countries COULD HAVE GONE OVERLAND months before)

Pres. Biden says the US economy stands strong as 100% recession is forecast.


Two IMPORTANT POSTS via RT website

1. (Breaking) 18 Oct, 2022 17:44

Russian general in charge of Ukraine operation speaks out

Sergey Surovikin described the situation as “tense” and has not ruled out that he might have to make difficult decisions

Army General Sergey Surovikin on Tuesday spoke to media for the first time since assuming overall command of the ongoing Russian military operation in Ukraine.

Describing the situation as particularly “tense” around the city of Kherson in his statement to Rossiya-24 broadcaster, he added that the military may be forced to make “difficult decisions.”

“The NATO command of the armed forces of Ukraine has long been demanding offensive operations in the Kherson direction from the Kiev regime, regardless of any casualties – both in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and among the civilian population,” Surovikin stated.

Russian military is aware of Kiev’s plans to use “prohibited” means of waging war in the Krehson area, Surovikin added. Namely, Ukraine is preparing a massive strike on the Kahovskaya hydroelectric plant, located on the Dnepr river, as well as launching massive rocket and artillery attacks on Kherson itself.

“These actions can lead to the destruction of the infrastructure of this large industrial center and massive casualties among the civilian population,” Surovikin said.

In the ongoing effort to dislodge the Russian military from its positions, Kiev is pouring its reserves en-masse into the frontline, the general said. The vast majority of those reserves are “territorial defense units, who have not been properly trained,” Surovikin added. Such troops have low morale, thus they are propped up by “barrier squads” composed of hard-line nationalists “who shoot anyone trying to leave the battlefield,” he claimed.

.... more details to follow. https://www.rt.com/russia/564934-general-surovikin-ukraine-operation/

2. Via RT website 18th October 2022 15:25 - No peace if it's left up to the politicians :

Top German diplomat issues ultimatum on Ukrainian territories

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock says any concessions to Russia in the ongoing conflict would be “naive”

The West should not settle for any peace agreement that would result in Ukraine losing territory to Russia, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has said. According to the diplomat, flaws in the strategy were demonstrated back in 2014, when Crimea was absorbed into Russia.

Speaking at the 2022 Berlin Foreign Policy Forum, Baerbock said that while open public discussions are a key aspect of a true democracy, those suggesting trading Ukraine’s territorial integrity for the prospect of immediate peace have been repeatedly mistaken.

“Such naive strategies already failed in 2014, we’ve seen that the annexation of Crimea and Donbass was only a prelude to what has been happening in Ukraine ever since the 24th of February,” she claimed.

The minister called into question Russian President Vladimir Putin’s willingness to negotiate, adding that the Kremlin seems to be doubling down on brute force instead. With that in mind, “for Europe it is not about security with Putin’s Russia, for Europe it is about security from Putin’s Russia,” she noted.

“The security of the Baltic states, the security of Eastern Europe is Germany’s security,” Baerbock said in an apparent bid to illustrate Berlin’s commitment to solidarity with other European nations. She also added that Germany is going to “support Ukraine with weapons for all it takes,” pledging economic and humanitarian aid as well.

Last Wednesday, Ukraine’s Defense Minister Alexey Reznikov confirmed the arrival of the first unit of Germany’s cutting-edge IRIS-T air defense systems in Ukraine. Three more are expected to be supplied to Kiev next year.

Meanwhile, Germany’s own military has yet to receive a single unit of the system. This prompted Bavaria’s governor, Markus Soeder, to criticize the decision, calling on the government in Berlin to prioritize the country’s own security.

Earlier in October, a report published by Business Insider showed that German forces have only enough ammunition for two days of warfare.


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