Soy Boys - Green Energy Not Very Green

1 year ago

Teens are dumping milk on store floors to protest the ‘destructive’ dairy industry

The latest environmentalist trend is here: pouring out milk in grocery stores.

All across the United Kingdom, teenagers concerned about the environment are doing “milk pours.” The new trend involves going into grocery stores, picking up cartons of cow-produced milk, and pouring out their contents, according to the animal rights group Animal Rebellion.

Videos that have popped up on social media show teens pouring milk onto the floor, over sales counters, and elsewhere in the store.

Vegan activists charged after wasting milk in department stores

Two vegan activists have been charged by the police after dumping milk onto the floor of two department stores in London.

The activists, part of Animal Rebellion, were charged by the Metropolitan Police on Friday 7 October following the stunt.

Sofia Fernandes Pontes and Steve Bone were both charged with criminal damage, both over and under £5,000, as well as theft.

Animal Rebellion responded by saying its supporters would "continue to take nonviolent direct action".

Sofia Fernandes Pontes, one of those charged, said she poured the milk to "reflect the severity of the climate, ecological, and animal emergencies".

The dark side of ‘green energy’ and its threat to the nation’s environment

Wind farms and massive arrays of solar panels are cropping up across public and private landscapes both in the United States and abroad as users increasingly turn to “green energy” as their preferred flavor of electricity.

President Joe Biden, in fact, has directed the Interior Department to identify suitable places to host 20 gigawatts of new energy from sun, wind or geothermal resources by 2024 as part of a sweeping effort to move away from a carbon-based economy and electrical grid.

Mines, Minerals, and "Green" Energy: A Reality Check

As policymakers have shifted focus from pandemic challenges to economic recovery, infrastructure plans are once more being actively discussed, including those relating to energy. Green energy advocates are doubling down on pressure to continue, or even increase, the use of wind, solar power, and electric cars. Left out of the discussion is any serious consideration of the broad environmental and supply-chain implications of renewable energy.

Trudeau pledges to destroy the Canadian oil and gas sector

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will place a cap on emissions from Canada's oil and gas sector, which will effectively decimate part of the country's economy.

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