Episode 865: Being Negative is not Catholic

2 years ago

The Sin is negative but the approach is to conquer it in a Positive manner.

The fact that everyone has sinned against God is not a positive message (Rom. 3:23). The truth that a person has sinned against God and that their heart is wicked (Jer. 17:9) is the most negative thing a person could ever hear. Although the message is negative, the purpose is positive.

Sin must be treated like a poisonous viper rather than a family lap dog. We take our cues from Jesus, and as we examine His preaching, we see that He was straightforward and honest with people. Consider the woman at the well in John’s gospel, Jesus pointed out her sexual sin directly and then with compassion and a positive approach encouraged her.

When we look at the preaching of Peter in Acts, we see him pointing out the sin of the multitude. In Paul’s preaching, he was consistently thrown in jail for his preaching, because he pointed out the negative reality of sin but they both point to the positive of Christ.

We must follow in the footsteps of Jesus and His apostles. If we want to lead people to Christ, we must address sin first and this will require us to be positive to conquer the negative effects of Sin.

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