Women Didn’t Fall for the Media Narrative

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1 year ago

There are 2 things that a voter has on their mind in North GA. It’s inflation and did you bring your plants last night? It’s cold this morning.

We are going to discuss the democrat panic. There are so many that are doing the work and investigating what needs to be investigated so when we take back the house and senate we know the direction.

They are trying to move the dots and connect them back to GA. No matter where you are in America. You are getting the clearest vision and view on what is happening in GA. Today we will spend a lot of time on the democrat panic. They are breaking glass in case of emergency. The democrats can’t have their cake and eat it too. The democrats are liking the month of early voting. But they are also hurt that their October Surprise peaked a little too early in October. Republicans don’t get too comfortable.

The media tries to take a direction. Remember the leaked opinion from SCOTUS Alito on the overturning of Roe v Wade. It was all prepped and unusual. It was supposed to get the ball rolling and the media was used to create the issue to keep the ball rolling. Then we had the KS amendment that failed to continue the catalysis. and now they may finally be saying that it didn't work. BKP has always said that it will not be an issue on the ballot in November. The American people don’t fall into the narrative that the media creates for them, because they are busy with life.

BKP makes an appearance on Fox and Friends First this morning. He comments on the debate last night. Nothing in the debate moved the needle for either side. Kemp is in a comfortable zone to move the needle.

Democrats have gone from +14 among women to a +18 Republican among women.

NYT is not about to do anything to highlight republicans. Headline “Republicans gain edge as voters worry about economy”.

Good news, yes, are you starting to enjoy it a little bit, yes. But don’t get comfortable. We don’t have the W.

Women didn’t really switch. When dems had a +14 with women it was all media created and generated. It was the narrative for the women to fit into. And as soon as women started to talk about it, it didn’t fit the narrative and women don’t want to be boxed into a narrative.

Most Americans want crazy to be fixed. There is a portion of democrats aren’t fixable but there is a majority of independents and some democrats want a definition of abortion and want to stop somewhere. Even the pro-choice want a definition. Republicans are having the conversation. Republicans aren’t fighting over the issue. Democrats can’t define it and whether they know it or not it has really hurt them. Katie Hobbs, Tim Ryan, John Fetterman can’t define it, can’t say what they will support. With all the fun they are making of Herschel he has the best line in all the debates. When Warnock (the slumlord, #slumloardwarnock) says that theren’t isn’t any room for politicians, and Herschel comes back to say there is a baby in the room.

It’s not just abortion it’s what they did to their kids. Everytime Democrats push women into a narrative it always backfires. It’s women that are looking over the shoulder of their kids during the lockdowns to see what was being taught. It's women that know that they are in there trying to transition their son or daughter. The dems have made a hell of a mistake boxing women into abortion thinking it would work.

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