Things you need to know about HERRING GULLS.

1 year ago

What do Herring seagulls eat? where do herring gulls live? How many herring seagulls are there? How long do herring gulls live? All this and more in this Herring's gull facts file.

The herring gull is one of the larger species of gulls in the UK with a wingspan of up to 160cm and growing to a weight of about 1.4 kilograms. Although they are mainly found in coastal areas, they can also be seen inland around cities and towns, near waste ends, across farmland and various other bodies of water. They are a very noisy species and make a wide variety of squawks and screeches, but it is their long calls that are most recognizable.
Adult gulls have a light gray back, white underside and black wing tips with small white patches. They have pale pink feet with webbed forages and their beaks are slightly bent, yellow with red spots. Young herring gulls are difficult to separate from other species but are about the same size as adults and are covered in mottled brown fur in varying amounts depending on age and season. There are clear physical differences between males and females although males are slightly larger on average.

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