Poverty Inc. - A Gary Null Production

2 years ago

The Great Recession of 2008 proved that Wall Street and Washington’s promises of rising wages, upward mobility, and job security were little more than empty rhetoric that paved the way to broken dreams, soup kitchens and homelessness for millions of American citizens. Six years later, the ranks of economically disenfranchised Americans continue to swell. The US currently ranks fourth highest in wealth inequality among 140 nations. Fifty million Americans live below the poverty line and 17 million live on less than $2 a day. These staggering figures bring into sharp focus the fact that the War on Poverty, declared 50 years ago by President Lyndon Johnson, has been a dismal failure.

Examining the influence of corporate globalization and exposing the destructive nature of our modern financial system, Poverty, Inc. offers a sobering look into how the predatory economic policies instituted by America’s new elite class have contributed to the nation’s descent into Third World status. Engrossing in-depth interviews with some of the world’s finest economists, progressive politicians, investigative reporters and philosophers, as well as the voices of America’s downtrodden reveal the terrifying threats posed by unregulated capitalism and corporate power. Poverty, Inc. is a timely wake-up call for those seeking hard-hitting answers on the economic realities facing our country and world today.

Featuring: Chris Hedges, Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich, Robert Reich, Vandana Shiva, Glen Ford, Michael Ruppert, David Korten, Gerald Celente, Ellen Brown, Greg Palast, Michael Hudson, John Perkins, Francis Fox Piven, Jim Garrison, Denis Halliday, Max Keiser, Richard Wolffe, Ruby Payne, Les Leopold, Garry Leech, Harvey Cox, Danny Schechter and others.

Written and Directed by: Gary Null, PhD
Co-Director: Valerie Van Cleve
Produced by: Valerie Van Cleve, Richard Gale
Editor: Valerie Van Cleve, Nicholas Pulcini Animation Nicholas Pulcini
Original Music by: Gene Michael Productions Inc., Kevin MacLeod
Cameras: Peter Bonilla, David Condon, Marcelo Coppuchinho, Easy, Zoi Florosz, Gus Menezes, Greg Russ, Fred Schuller, Richie Williamson

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