Blackness and Masculinity need to detatch from Politics

1 year ago

Masculinity is becoming a right wing, republican movement. Blacks and Women empowerment is becoming a part of the left wing. When did manhood and Blackness become so political? As a black man what does it say about me if I am conservative? What does it say about me if I am progressive? What is the standard for how a black man should be? Is it even possible to be a non-political black man in this day and era?

Conservatives and liberals are basically the same. There's a good chance if you're white, then you probably align yourself with one of these political parties. And that's cool. People have their own beliefs and it's not a bad thing. But the problem with American politics is how it forces people to go left or right…and when I say "forces," I mean they force it through your head. They morally motivate you via fear to join one side or the other. When really, they're both wrong. Why?

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