Bret Weinstein: Three Whistleblowers Discuss Impact Of COVID-19 Vaccines On U.S. Military

1 year ago

Bret Weinstein speaks with three active and past duty service members about their experience in the US military during Covid. They seek to bring to light what they are seeing and what it represents.

Weinstein says: "We are compromising our military readiness, surrendering basic constitutional principles, and erasing the hard won moral clarity established at Nuremberg."

John Bowes is a first attendant in the United States Airforce, he is a student F16 pilot who has been grounded over the Covid vaccine mandates.

Olivia Degenkolb has been in the US Navy for 20 years as an active-duty service member, she is a foreign area officer, and was selected as the assistant naval designate to Beijing, the department of defense has recently stated that she cannot return to service as an unvaccinated member.

Dale Saran is an attorney and a retired major in the Marine Corp, he has been litigating the military vaccination issue for the past 20 years.

Original Odysee Video:

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