🔴LIVE COVERAGE: DAY 3 Xi Jinping‘s thoughts of The Governance of China | 20th CPC National Congress

1 year ago

#nationalcongress #chinalive #nanning
" Alex will invite youtuber Gweilo60 @Gweilo60 to share what Gweilo60 and Alex have seen and heard in China under the title "Food Security and Ethnic Unity". At the same time, the latest news of the Party's 20th National Congress will be released to overseas audiences.

Xi Jinping on Monday called on all Chinese people to stay united as "a piece of hard steel" under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and pull together with one mind to power the giant ship of national rejuvenation through the wind and waves to reach its destination. Xi made the remarks when he joined a group discussion with delegates from south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region who are attending the 20th CPC National Congress.

China would apply the new development philosophy, foster a new pattern of development, promote high-quality development and advance the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization.

CPC will exercise full and strict self-governance over the Party and further advance Party building in the new era.

China has been improving its capability of ensuring food security over the past decade, with higher annual grain output and stable market operation. .

China has guaranteed that its food supply remains firmly in its own hands.

#nationalcongress #chinalive #nanning
About The Congress
The 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (commonly referred to as Èrshí Dà; Chinese: 二十大) will be held in Beijing, opening on 16 October 2022. 2,296 delegates will represent the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s estimated 90 million members.

Gweilo60 : https://www.youtube.com/c/Gweilo60

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