Tom Fitton - HHS Running Propaganda Campaign to Promote Covid Shots

1 year ago

Oct 17, 2022

As appears from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) documents, the Biden administration is running an elaborate propaganda campaign to "educate" Americans on the importance of getting inoculated against Covid. The records became public on October 4 thanks to the non-partisan conservative foundation Judicial Watch.

In this interview with The New American, Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, speaks about the key components of that propaganda effort. Among the entities heavily involved with the HHS campaign are paid media and virtually the whole entertainment industry, including Hollywood and media celebrities, prominent athletes, and public health figures.

Mr. Fitton also touched on the troubling documents revealing that HHS was targeting parents to build their confidence in Covid shots for children and toddlers way before they were authorized for use.

The latest revelation about the scale and breadth of the HHS campaign is extremely disturbing, especially in light of the collusion between the government and the Big Tech platforms to censor any deviating opinions on the controversial Covid shots under the auspices of fighting "misinformation," said Mr. Fitton.

To learn more about the HHS documents, please go to:

To learn more and support Judicial Watch, please go to:

Tom Fitton of Twitter:

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