You NEED to know this to Master Emotional Maturity | The 5 Personality Patterns EXPLAINED

1 year ago

Suddenly, you can see what's going on inside people: you can see what scares them and how they react when scared; you can see how to soothe them and help them feel safer; you can see how to approach them so that they welcome you and how to communicate with them so that they get it.

Finally, there is a simple, clear, true-to-life map of personality that gives you the key to understanding people and communicating with them effectively. This is a book that can change your life.

Much of our human suffering is not necessary. It is created by old patterns of feeling and acting that helped us survive the traumas of childhood, but then got stuck in our bodies. These patterns have shaped us so deeply that now we think that’s who we are. But these patterns are not your true self. In fact, they cover up your true self and prevent it from shining out into the world.

Fortunately, there is a map of these survival patterns, a map that helps you:
• Discover how you got stuck and how to get free
• Heal your core wounds
• Learn the skills you missed
• Communicate effectively with others
• Develop emotional maturity
• Become all you can be


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Instagram: @Embody_Flow

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