BFGC - Oct 16, 2022 PreWrath Review

2 years ago

Bible Prophecy paints a picture of Yehovah's Plans for the end of this current age, when Yeshua returns to take His place as King of Kings for a thousand years. Most believers have not taken the time to study the Bible for themselves and just parrot the teachings from church leaders that sound good to them. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture theology is causing millions of believers to ignore the warnings of large scale deception and the lack of faith that Christ said will be rampant when He returns. Be filled with the Holy Spirit, study God's Word everyday, pray for discernment in your life, and get busy working in the harvest field for God. The Anti Christ is alive and working on his plans today and will be signing the seven year covenant with Israel very soon. The temple will be built and the daily sacrifices will begin again in Jerusalem. Work on your faith and stop trusting in a falsely timed rescue that does not occur until the end of the seven years. God watches over and protects His Own through any and all storms.

Love God, Love your Neighbor, Preach the Kingdom
Make Disciples, Sanctify the Name of Yehovah

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