Macedonian Content Farmers Podcast, Episode 144 – Pro and anti-European Macedonia

1 year ago

We got into this unprepared but by design. There are news coming from Macedonia, but nothing too dramatic or fully formed, so in this episode Jason and Cvetin try to do a review of where the country stands and where it's going. Especially with the return of the old canard, that one side, the left, is pro-European, and the other, the right, is anti-European, especially since it refuses to accept every single diktat coming our way. Also, how this translates into a large chunk of Macedonians feeling betrayed by the West and turning toward Russia almost by default. In the news part of the podcast, we talk about what is behind the rare outburst of division in the DUI party.
Near the end, Jason reveals a shocking lack of knowledge in the lore of the best recent TV show to come from his part of the world, and Cvetin keeps bursting every single bubble of optimism from the show :)

Our Farmers’ Picks:

Music by:

- Mizar (Pocesna strelba - Last salute)

With gratitude to Mark Steyn for giving us the idea for the podcast name

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