How to build a rabbit tractor. My diy rabbit tractor build

1 year ago

How to build a rabbit tractor. My diy rabbit tractor build as I did it for the first time. I go through the process by which I built my first rabbit tractor. I go over the materials I used and why. I demonstrate the lift system I elected to use and some of the reasons I made some of the choices I did during the design phase of my project. No, it's not perfect. No it's not a demonstration of high end woodworking/construction skills. It's not supposed to be. It's basically a home for an outdoor animal that is gonna get chewed on, crapped on and abused by the elements. It's my intention that after you watch this video, you will have some good ideas in designing your own rabbit tractor and be able to make improvements and customizations that fit your particular set of circumstances.

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Music by TeknoAXE:
Hanging Around:

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