Nuclear Armageddon?! Nah, But Likely Expansion of War Beyond Ukraine

1 year ago

There are increasing signs that the war in Ukraine may expand beyond that country (and newly-acquired Russian territory): the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, the terror-bombing of the Kerch-Crimea bridge, the retaliatory Russian airstrikes against Ukrainian energy infrastructure, the ongoing delivery of NATO weapons to Ukraine, the fearmongering over nuclear Armageddon, and now the build-up of Russian forces in Belarus.

With the caveat of course, thanks to US government wordplay in late 2021, that the definition of 'imminent' is more fluid these days, fighting between NATO and Russian forces could soon be taking place in Belarus.

This week on NewsReal, Joe and Niall lay out an alternative direction to US-Russia escalation that doesn't involve mushroom clouds, but which nonetheless carries risks of further global socio-economic upheaval.


At 12:30 we discuss the "regional grouping" of Belarusian and Russian forces inside Belarus this week, citing an RT report we erroneously read as saying "one hundred thousand" Russian troops had linked up with 70,000 Belarusian troops. In fact, the report quoted Belarus president Lukashenko as saying that "more than one thousand [1,000] Russian soldiers" would participate:

Since then, Western media, again citing the Belarus government, reports that the Russian military contingent in Belarus will be 9,000-strong:


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