It is the Season for the Launch of the Apostle Ships!

2 years ago

I just spoke at a leadership summit in Roanoke VA. When I did, God marked the message with another sign. It's a consistent sign God has been using for more than 27 years to encourage us along. If you are part of KLI Family, Tribe, Fellow Worker, or part of our church etc. I strongly encourage you to hear what God said and did. You are connected to this work and for such a time as this you and I have been brought forth into the kingdom.

Do you want to learn more about this class of ships? In 2008 God spoke to me so clearly. He said, "as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be before the coming of the Son of Man. I had Noah build an ark, but I want you to build me an arc as well. Not an ark like Noah, but an ARC, an apostolic resource center. Only I don't want an ARC. I want a fleet of ARCs." I understood from my Navy background He was speaking of a class of ships. An apostle ship.

If you'd like to learn more about this ancient blueprint, visit my Online Courses available through Tim Taylor Training and check out "How to Establish an ARC - Apostolic Resource Center" at

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