A Message to the Environmental Movement [REUPLOAD]

1 year ago

Note: A lower quality version of this video was first published to The Corbett Report on November 25, 2009. A higher quality version of the video was recorded for the 2009 Video Archive DVD and is being made available online for the first time in preparation for the run-up to the COP21 Climate Conference starting November 30 in Paris.

Sadly, we now know how the Climategate scandal referred to in this video was addressed: by sweeping the true nature of its revelations under the rug with fraudulent investigation after fraudulent investigation after fraudulent investigation. As a global carbon treaty comes closer to reality, however, it is more important than ever to remind the well-meaning but severely misinformed environmental activists about how their cause has been hijacked so that the COP21 agenda can be derailed.

Stay tuned for more coverage of this important issue on The Corbett Report in the coming weeks.

TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=17044
CSID: cfa4e29bcf6bf0f2

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