Heaven @ Death?

1 year ago

This video was originally was 1 hour 30 minutes long and was put together back in 2015. Due to a number of different circumstances it never was uploaded. It kept crashing my video program so the last part covering the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man was cut just so it could be produced as a single video file. I attempted to put every scripture I knew on the subject into one video and what a mistake that was. I got burned out and the channel got hit with a copyright strike and was limited to 15 minutes videos. So it never got uploaded. Then more bad decisions i made kept me away from the channel for a few years. All the while this video was sitting on the back burner.

Only recently i've discovered i can upload longer than 15 minutes. Even though this exact video is uploaded to an associate youtube channel (Voices in the Wilderness) I figured why not back it up also on the very channel it was designed for. So after a 7 year delay I present to you what the scripture (not tradition) says about what happens when a person dies.

"Let God be true but every man a liar..." - Romans 3:4
"Making the Word of God of none effect through your tradition..." - Mark 7:13

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