The True Temple | Sermon 10/16/2022

2 years ago

John 2:12-25

Jesus heads up to Jerusalem for Passover as it was customary for Him to go there every year since childhood. But this time is different. Upon entering the Temple court, He finds it buzzing with people talking, animals bellowing, coins ringing, and full-on commerce taking place. This is the first of two temple cleansings in His ministry that fulfills the duty of a priest cleansing a house according to Leviticus 14. The people would come during this time of year and in ease buy an animal to sacrifice to God while the merchants made money in the process. You can’t buy and sell the worship of God. Jesus won’t stand for such a desecration to his Father’s house.

He fashions his own whip of cords to drive out both the animals and people. In righteous indignation He flips tables and pours out coins and fiercely rebukes them; that they’ve made His Father’s house a house of business. He was filled with zeal because this was to be a place of prayer, worship, and authentic devotion to God. Some temple authorities question Jesus and seek a miraculous sign to demonstrate His authority. But if they knew the Scriptures and the God they say they worship they would have never allowed this. They want a sign; they act like the judge of God. Jesus, however, tells them of the coming sign: they will destroy this temple and in three day He will raise it up. John the apostle makes it clear to the reader that Jesus is speaking of His body.

The ultimate Temple cleansing is coming. The actual Passover Lamb is here among you. God Himself is tabernacling among them but they don’t see it. After Jesus’ resurrection, the words of Jesus would unite to Scripture as they are God’s very Word and the disciples would make the connection. And it furthered their belief that He was who He said He was. That week of the of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, many saw Him do signs and miracles but their belief rested not on the basis of who Christ is but on the signs. He knew the hearts of men and it would take more than just signs. Their salvation would come only by His finished work and His sovereign will. The Creator must create them anew.

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