Special BBQ Chicken Tikka Biryani Recipe | Famous Smoky Karachi Biryani [Rabi Ul Awal Special]

1 year ago

This mouthwatering biryani is perfect for any special occasion. Smoky chicken tikka, flavorful rice, and a variety of spices come together to create a dish that will have your guests coming back for seconds. And with this recipe, you can easily make it at home.
This special BBQ chicken tikka biryani recipe is perfect for Rabi Ul Awal, a Muslim festival. The chicken is marinated in spices overnight, then grilled over charcoal to give it a smoky flavor. The rice is cooked with saffron, cloves, and cardamom for a fragrant and flavorful dish.
This Karachi-style BBQ chicken biryani is smoky, flavorful, and perfect for a special occasion. Chicken is marinated in spices and yogurt, then barbecued until charred. The rice is cooked in a delicious blend of spices, then layered with the chicken and served with raita.
Welcome to my channel! Today I'll be sharing a special BBQ Chicken Tikka Biryani recipe that is perfect for the Eid holiday. This dish is smoky and flavorful, and comes from the famous Karachi region of Pakistan. I hope you enjoy this Rabi Ul Awal special!

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