How to Find a Niche for your Online Business

1 year ago

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to vet, research, and find a niche for your online business.

Choosing the right niche for your business usually comes down to solving three problems:

Problem #1: passion vs. profit. Should you follow something you’re passionate about or choose the niche that brings you money?

Problem #2: low vs high competition. Should you choose a low-competition niche that allows you to get traffic faster without having to compete against big brands? Or should you chase one of the high-competition niches that don’t limit your earnings potential?

Problem #3: micro vs. broad niches. How niche should you go?

There is no magic formula that helps you to make the right choice. It’s always a mix of personal and business decisions. In this video, we’ll show you how to find the perfect balance between these two.

What is a niche?

In short, a niche is a segment, or a smaller part of an industry that has a community with specific needs.

There are two ways to find a niche:

dig into a competing website’s traffic and financial information;
use Google ads data to assess commercial value of the niche.

How do you do that? Watch the video to learn how.

The next step is to research and vet your potential niches. Here, you’ll want to get more detailed information on your brainstormed list of niches. You can do it by vetting them in two buckets:

- web bucket
- market bucket

In the video, you'll learn how to vet your list of niches using these two buckets.

Finally, choose the niche you can build your online business around. And it comes down to solving those three problems we were talking about in the beginning of the video.

Watch the video to get some tips about how to do it.


0:00 Intro
1:29 Define what a niche is
2:33 Ways to find a niche
7:04 Research and vet your potential niche
13:47 Choose a niche that’s right for you

#howtofindaniche #findanicheforyouronlinebusiness #howtochooseaniche #howtopickaniche

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