Selena Gomez And Hailey Bieber End Years Of Justin Drama With One Photo

2 years ago

Selena Gomez And Hailey Bieber End Years Of Justin Drama With One Photo

The two posed for their first public photo together after both spoke out against online hate from fans.

Belieb it or not, Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber have put the past behind them once and for all.

For years, many fans have ruthlessly pitted the two women against each other for daring to date the same very famous pop star.

Despite Hailey being happily married to husband Justin Bieber since 2018, a certain part of the internet can’t get over the singer’s past long-term, on-again-but-now-very-off-again romance with Selena.

Weeks after both called out the online hate circulating around them, Selena and Hailey have sent another clear message to fans, posing for their first public photo together at the 2022 Academy Museum Gala on Saturday night.

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