Spinoza Part 8

1 year ago

'The superstitious, who know better how to rail at vice than to teach virtue, and who study not to lead man by reason, but to hold him in through fear, in order that he may shun evil rather than love virtue, aim at nothing more than that others should be as miserable as themselves, and, therefore, it is not to be wondered at if they generally become annoying and hateful to men."
From Proposition 43
"He who is led by fear, and does what is good in order that he may avoid what is evil, is not led by reason."
pg 347
"The Patriarchs were led by the Spirit of Christ, that is to say, by the idea of God, which alone can make a man free and cause him to desire for other men the good he desires for himself..."
"A free man never acts deceitfully, but always honorably."

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