Aug 1, 2004 🎺 Timothy's Duties during the Tribulation... Trumpet Call of God

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The Lord explains... Timothy’s Duties during the coming Tribulation

August 1, 2004 - From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For Timothy, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord to His servant… The Lord God has spoken to you many times, yet you have not listened. This I say to you, once again, so you may hear and understand... Chosen are you of men, and of men have I chosen you. Though you doubt, this fact does not change, for even whatsoever I think comes to pass.

You shall bring My people together in the time of trouble, sheltering them, caring for them, preaching My Word to them, delivering them by the power of My Spirit in you. Timothy, you shall lead them and guide them, until the Day of My Son is coming. Then shall you and all those with you, even all those without you, who call on My name in that day, gain their most precious reward given freely by My Son.

[Timothy] How can this be? I am but a common man who has committed much sin, I am not worthy.

[YahuShua] My son, assuredly I say to you, as the moon rises so shall you rise to the occasion and to the challenges I have set before you. For your strength is in The Lord; The Holy One is with you. You can not fail, for I am your rearguard; also do My angels go before you. The Word of God shall be in your mouth, and in your mouth will I put My words, says The Lord who speaks to you.

[Timothy] But only You, Jesus, can fight evil with the sound of Your mouth. I am but a man of no consequence.

Thus says The Lord YahuShua to His well-beloved… If I put the words in your mouth and cause you to speak them, are not the words I have given you the words of The Father? And do they not carry His power, if He so chooses? Did He not give unto Moses a staff through which His power was shown? Has He not made you that much better than a man’s walking stick?

[Timothy] So my dreams of the end days are true? The people in black, I defeat them through Your Word? Or is it symbolic?

[YahuShua] Timothy, the men in black in your dreams represent those things over which you yet stumble, as well as your fears and doubts, all of which shall be overcome by placing your trust in Me. Do not fear, Timothy, for they also represent actual evil in the world, which you will overcome with the Word of God. In that day, I will sanctify you and anoint your head with oil, and you will become a witness for My name.

Do not be afraid, trust in the foreknowledge I have given you. For you have known these things your whole life, but did not accept them. From the beginning did I choose you; before you came forth from your mother’s womb did I set you apart for My purpose. Did you not recognize the signs? On the day of your birth, two signs were given to your mother: One, a dream of a bright star among many lesser stars; and also a visit from the angel, Gabriel, unto which it was appointed to reveal the name chosen for you by God, the name, Timothy… Which you know its meaning, and honor Him you will, says The Lord your Redeemer.

[Timothy] How do I know if I write these words or You? I fear they are delusions of grandeur.

Thus says The Lord… Why would a man write of himself his two biggest fears, yea three biggest fears?… That of public speaking, even more so, that of publicly speaking My Word; also, that of fighting evil, even fighting man to man do you abhor; and most of all, being separated from your wife and family. I know the depths of your love for them, only surpassed by your love for Me… Why write about yourself those things you most fear and abhor?

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