U Want Eat Potatoes on #lowcarbs Diet? Cook & Cool 4 A Day #leftovers Help with #weightloss #shorts

2 years ago

#shorts Resistant Starch Food has Up 2 40% Less Carbs & Calories. The #starch in Potatoes Will "Resist" Digestion Once the Cooked Potatoes are cooled down completely & therefore it will not be absorbed in the small intestine (like regular cooked potatoes), but instead this starch will pass through it intact and make it all the way in the large intestine where it ferments becoming a prebiotic food for the good bacteria in our gut Microbiome which in exchange they will produce butyrate ( extremely powerful antioxidant compound that protects & repair any damaged DNA in our body... ).
This Starch effectively becomes dietary insoluble indigestible super-food fiber.

****Recipe Method & Ingredients****
( Watch out for the Longer Video Version Coming Soon on My Channel)

Lower Carbs Resistant Starch Fibres Rich Leftovers Hearty & Cheap Stew/Pie
I always make extra potatoes, rice, pasta, legumes & grains to save money on fuel too.
I store them in the fridge if I know I will use them within 2 days otherwise i put them in the freezer.
For today, some steamed potatoes & some mashed baked potato pie.
Also, I have the arrowroot béchamel sauce that I made earlier - see my previous videos:

(Watch short:
#weightloss Arrowroot #bechamel 2 Fool yr Carbs Cravings Resistant Starch #flourless Sauce
Watch Long:
Low Carbs Resistant Starch Arrowroot Bechamel No Flour Sauce 4 WeightLoss. Prebiotic Fibers Gluten Free
https://youtu.be/OCzlwiXFR1k Low Carbs Resistant Starch Arrowroot Bechamel Sauce 4 WeightLoss. Prebiotic Fibers Gluten Free Part1 )

Add some sauce in the dish first, then add leftovers & more sauce in between.
Finish the layers by topping with a this layer of bechamel & some cheese.
Sprinkle a bit of Parmesan or Pecorino for extra umami.

Bake it in a pre heated oven @ 170 c/ 340 F with grill/Broiler on for about 20 mins.
Et Voila', Done! Delicious Resistant starch reduced carbs & calories money saver leftover meal .
Resistant starch food have up 20% to 40% less calories & Carbs than the regular cooked food.
It' s a rustic, hearty, filling but surprisingly light dish, it serves 4 people as main meal or 6 as appetiser.

#glutenfree #resistantstarch #bechamelsauce #fastweightloss #prebiotics #arrowroot #healthyalternatives #lowcalorie #lowfat #guiltfree #leftoverricerecipe #leftovers #lowcarbdiet #lowcarbmeals #potatoes #lowcaloriemeal #starchresistant #butyrate #healthyfibers #savemoney #frugalliving #savetheplanet #saveenergy #savefuel
#fermentedfoods #loseweightfast

***Most of all my super healthy, organic, raw, super foods, specialist, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, keto, fermented products are bought from Abel & Cole and Infinity Food Coop.***
***Most of all my fresh organic fruits & vegetables produces are bought from Tesco, Sainsbury's, Waitrose.***
#tesco #sainsbury #waitrose #infinityfood #abelandcole #glutenfree #vegetarian #coop #rawfood #superfood #organic #organicfood #vegan #weightlossrecipe #weightloss #fermentedfoods #fermented #healthylifestyle #healthytips #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #loseweightfast #losebellyfat #healthygut #healthyliving #healthylife #ketorecipes #lowcarbrecipes #lowcaloriemeals
***Most of all my super healthy, organic, raw, super foods, specialist, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, keto, fermented products are bought from Abel & Cole and Infinity Food Coop.***
***Most of all my fresh organic fruits & vegetables produces are bought from Tesco, Sainsbury's, Waitrose.***

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💝...Made and shared with love, thank you for your time...⏳

🌀 Channel Info 🌀
***Do not attempt to suppress your cravings for "bad" food - they will only become stronger - instead fool them with my Slim-Easy Recipe Hacks!

Here are my video logs experiments in transforming any high calories dish into weight reducing & fat busting version that retain same taste, flavors and look, but with one major difference, they help us lose weight without feeling deprived of anything even of the worst bad food we ever craved for.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures", so at the End of Summer 2020 I decided to be more proactive with my YT channel & began filming my Slim-Easy Recipes hacks & tricks for the benefit of anyone who is struggling with weight issues.

I can transform any recipe in to a slimming, healthier & guilt-free version, hang around my channel and you will see..***

💝...Made and shared with love, thank you for your time...⏳
🔔✅💞 Don't forget to subscribe, so you don't miss my next one 💞✅🔔

#weightloss #naturalfood #healthy

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