yeah i know i swear a lot, do you work @ a restaurant?

1 year ago

these things mean so much to me
God's Grace makes me fall to my knees in the middle of the street
just saying thank you Lord is enough
all this little stuff that i keep screwing up
that's why He sent down His Son, amy calm down
i worry that He will smite me for not doin enough
staying up all night outta spite
what if i'm wrong about all these things
what if i've wasted my entire life
judge me God's supposed people
with yer attitude Jesus wouldn't have saved anyone
if this world is Godless, you gotta be the best example of Him
walk in truth means doin stuff that people don't understand
i swear due to uhhhh many many things
thank God it's not YOUR life
what chu know bout schizophrenia son
quadruple/quintuple/sextuple edged sword
every once in awhile my thoughts empty out
giving seminar in the bathroom
the internet has proven that everyone is insane
they can just pretend that they're people
maybe everyone is schizo in fact (no they ain't cool enough)
questioning authority to the point of no return
america doesn't believe in learning
love dem smarmy comments
disappearing into thin air once schooled
they can't accept defeat
i get what is happening more than anybody mainly due to what all we know about "mental illness"
God blessed me w/ a "disease" ie misunderstood spiritual gift
i watch twitter like a tv show
sad and depressing and also funny and enlightening
everything is just another shittier version of what has already transpired
this is human nature, magnified due to internet
fomo so extreme that they must project it
why ya gotta meddle in everyone's affairs
nothing more offensive than happiness
i earned this crown damnit
still a sap, tho hahaha
i'm lamenting mf
maybe you should try that sometime
do sumin constructive w/ yer anger
it won't get you anywhere positive
depression wasn't a waste
that's ideal dude, $17 an hr man
most people can't handle my job @ sns
you can criticize me all you want
pushing myself in other ways, research wise especially
career oriented people, fuck em
you will never be satisfied with how far you advance in this world, it will never be enough
i enjoy the craft of comedy as well as the effort and the people i do it with
the lowest rung is really the best
a wise person will make the most outta what little they have
get used to not being appreciated

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