STROPPY’S VIEWS ON THE NEWS …Monday, 17th of October 2022 … Morning Coffee Edition

2 years ago

Here are my views on what’s making the news today.

These are MY views.

* Of course I can’t cover every news story so I tend to keep to those that involve our governments and their absurd, money-driven/power policies.
* It is NOT my intention to have you agree with me on anything I say.
* I am NOT a ‘conspiracy theorist’. I do NOT make-up stories. I provide you with a link to each story I address so you can determine if there is ‘misinformation’ OR ‘disinformation’ in it.
* I do not claim to be an ‘expert’ on anything. However I do believe we have been lied to for decades and we need to wake up to what’s really happening. The time has come to INSIST our governments work for us by operating in a transparent manner and are held accountable for their actions (for example, by ensuring safe elections, and adhering to ‘time served’ limits).
* This is my ‘Current Thinkings’ of what’s happening in the world today - based on my readings of today’s tea leaves:
1. ‘They’ want to kill us anyway they can. Vaccines, war, food additives, whatever…
2. Our governments don’t work for us.
3. The MSM lies and is simply the propaganda arm of ’them’.
4. COVID was/is part of the genocide program.
5. ’They’ want to control us - freedom is a fallacy. (Name one thing you can do for which there are no applicable rules or regulations or government approval required).
6. All social media platforms (attempt to) control the narrative. We risk severe consequences for having an ‘alternative’ view to the official narrative.
7. We need the truth about the Biden’s connections with Ukraine.
8. The weather can be (and is being) manipulated.
9. World leaders are puppets.
10. The climate is determined primarily by the Sun . No amount of money spent/scammed will change the climate!
11. Monkeypox has been enhanced in a biolab (possibly Wuhan) to re-introduce quarantine conditions (and consequently ensure postal voting in the 2022 primaries).
12. I have no idea who ’They’ or “Them’ are, but I do believe that the Bank of International Settlements are involved (and probably fund the World Economic Forum). So that’s where I would start looking.

WARNING: This video uses Australian pronunciations and mis-pronunciations.

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