Is It Culty? Trans Activist Community - Detransitioners Experience Part 1: Intro & Behavior Control

2 years ago

A growing number of young people have adopted the ascendant set of beliefs about gender identity and queer theory and have taken social and medical steps to transition in accordance with those beliefs. A subset of these transitioners have found that their particular situation isn't a compatible match with that pathway and have undertaken a journey of detransition. These de-transitioners have started to share their stories and frequently find the reaction of the Trans Activist Community has been marked by demonization, erasure and gaslighting.

Seeing themselves now in the positions of "Apostates" of a strongly held set of beliefs has caused some, upon reflection of their experience, to find many more parallels with high demand groups that use mechanisms of groupthink, psychological pressure and manipulation of the sorts that people describe in decentralized social media cults of ideology.

To help identify and quantify how her own experience in the world of social media Trans Activism may have matched this pattern of Cultiness, detransitioner Michelle Alleva goes through the online assessment and shares her thoughts on what she experienced.

The views and experiences shared here are unique to Michelle’s own journey, however other detransitioners have related similar experiences and the reality of detransitioners points to a process whereby some individuals are not a good match with the transition process, yet make their way through irreversible medical interventions with little counterbalance to the affirmation only pathway which we are learning does not serve everyone optimally.

Being aware of some of the mechanisms of undue influence as they may appear in the trans activist community can help individuals avoid such forces intruding into their own agency and decision making process as they navigate the world of transition.

In Part 1 of this assessment we review the mechanisms of Behavior Control according to a form of the BITE model of cultiness.

Part 1 - Intro and Behavior Control

00:00 - Bumper
05:23 - Intro
09:40 - Michelle Alleva
12:00 -
15:29 - Demographics
20:15 - Relational Control
36:17 - Time Control
47:28 - Demand For Purity
01:07:13 - Material Control
01:15:33 - Imposed Dependency
01:19:29 - Destabilization
01:44:08 - Belief Follows Behavior
01:52:25 - Public Commitment
02:07:26 - Proselytizing
02:12:43 - Financial Pressure
02:21:08 - Indirect Directives

Part 2 - Thought Control
Part 3 - Information and Emotion Control & Final Score

Do your own assessment here:

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Michelle Alleva Detransition Playlist:

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