Balaam and His Doctrine, Part 1 — Rick Renner

2 years ago

What was the doctrine of Balaam that Jesus was so against? Is this false doctrine still being taught in the Church today? Rick addresses these topics. To order the series and book offers click SHOW MORE.

Like the church in ancient Pergamum, it can be easy for the Church today to view itself as progressive, exempt from the more “primitive,” exclusionary views found in the Bible. However, Jesus views ideas of inclusion and compromise at the expense of truth as a menace to the sanctity, power, and effectiveness of His Church!

Shame is a prison that fetters the mind as surely and securely as any chain could bind the body — but Jesus Christ died to loose the bonds of sin and set the captives free! In her book, Redeemed From Shame, Denise Renner shares the liberating truth that regardless of whatever hurt, pain, lies, or disappointment have produced shame in your life, you can be set free from the prison of shame once and for all.

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