Devil In The Detail For Diabolical COVID jab is SO TRUE... aap Fact....

2 years ago


Why does this info: This Absolute TRUTH get ignored, Dismissed?

How is it people are so mostly SENSELESS?

How much more EVIDENCE can be shown when this is what's served up.

Confirms once again all my labor and blood sweat and tears.
Online on U tube since 2012.

This can't be beat...

WAKE UP AND LIVE. or stay a foolish, ignorant, moronic person.

144,000 divided by 666 = 216. 216 216 216 216 216 216

144,000 divided by 216 = 666.6666666666666666

72,000 x 3 = 216,000

6x6x6 = 216

Wikipedia number 216

Obama born 4th August the 216th day of the year

6x6x6 = 216 = Revelation chapter 13:18

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