Quality Money is GREATER than Quantity Currency, NO ONE ON ALIVE ON EARTH has Experienced the Former

2 years ago

Inflation got you down? Don’t know what inflation is?

WELL, BASICALLY inflation is printing money. Supply and demand shows that the more supply, less demand. TOO much quantity currency and NOT ENOUGH quality money.

It starts with the establishment of the Federal Reserve.

"Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin is a magnificent read on the subject.

IMO, it is a terrible idea to have a primary fiscal agent for the “freest” country. Shammed from the beginning with a “temporary” income tax and lauded for an impossible dual mandate. Inflation is the only tool of a central bank. #AbolishtheFed and bring back quality money.

#ChurchofGama 500 #HinduSquat Challenge, #BradBurns, #Lotek Wealth


as always BUY , HODL, DRS.



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