Paris protestors to march; Fuel shortages fuel anger over inflation

1 year ago

Paris protestors to march; Fuel shortages fuel anger over inflation

Three weeks into a refinery strike that has caused fuel shortages across the country, tens of thousands of protesters marched in Paris on Sunday, adding to a growing picture of defiance and anger about inflation.

The demonstration against the rising cost of living on Sunday was called by the left-wing political opposition and led by the head of the France Unbowed (LFI) party, Jean-Luc Melenchon.

Security forces fired teargas and launched baton charges on several occasions after they were pelted with objects, while several shops and at least one bank were targeted by suspected anarchists.

Some protesters wore yellow florescent vests, the symbol of often violent anti-government protests in 2018 which shook the pro-business centrist government of President Emmanuel Macron.

Opponents of Macron are hoping to build on the momentum created by the refinery standoff which began at the end of September.

The strikes and protests are being closely watched by the government which is aiming to pass a highly controversial change to the pensions system in the next few months.

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