Putin answered questions in Astana on October 14, 2022 [English subtitles]

1 year ago

10/14/2022, Astana, Kazakhstan

In conclusion of his working visit to Kazakhstan, the President answered journalists’ questions.

00:10 Transformation of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) into a new international organization.
01:57 Russia is interesting to the countries of Central Asia. Growth in trade volume and degree of cooperation.
05:15 The conflict in Ukraine does not affect the quality of interaction with the CIS countries.
06:51 Kyrgyzstan–Tajikistan border clashes. Russia will take part in solving the border problem of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
08:34 The German government, instead of protecting the interests of its citizens, serves the interests of NATO - people of Germany are paying for it.
10:05 The explosion of the Nord Streams is evidence of ignoring the interests of the Eurozone and Germany in particular.
11:12 Involvement of other states in solving the problem of the conflict in Ukraine.
11:52 President Erdogan has played a fairly significant role in resolving a number of issues around the conflict in Ukraine.
12:18 Grain deal - the UN Secretary-General is not up to the task.
12:57 United Arab Emirates is involved in resolving issues around the conflict in Ukraine.
13:30 Russia is ready for negotiations, but Ukraine has banned any negotiations and abandoned all previous agreements after Russia withdrew its troops from the Kyiv region.
14:34 G20. Putin sees no point in meeting with Biden.
15:48 Grain deal could be canceled - if it turns out that the Odessa Maritime Humanitarian Corridor was used to carry out terrorist attacks.
17:29 Cultural tensions between Ukraine and Russia.
17:52 Attempts to ban Russian culture and cancel Russia.
18:17 The ban on the Ukrainian language and culture is unthinkable for us.
19:34 Support for neo-Nazism by the current leaders of Kyiv has nothing to do with Ukrainian culture.
20:18 No additional waves of mobilization are planned at the moment.
21:03 Mistakes during mobilization.
21:33 Mobilization will be completed in the next 2 weeks - 222,000 out of 300,000 people are already mobilised.
22:28 How to treat those who left the country after the announcement of mobilization?
24:55 Why did the dead appear so quickly among the mobilized?
25:55 33,000 mobilised men are already in the units, and 16,000 men are in the units involved in combat missions.
27:40 Russia's current military actions in Ukraine are an unpleasant but necessary.
28:15 So far, Russia has not had a goal to destroy Ukraine. The logic of Russia's actions in relation to Ukraine.
29:06 At the moment, there is no need for new massive missile attacks on Ukraine.
29:59 Ukraine’s defeat mean NATO defeat?
30:36 Global catastrophe.

Transcript source: http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/transcripts/69604

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