Rise Above it All 9th Prophetic Memoir Series#29

1 year ago

Personal Prophecy Online!
*Expect a Word of Prophecy this Sunday during the broadcast.
If you embrace the problem, it will control you; however, if you rise above it G3D will fix it for YOU! Too many times we grab the first thought that comes to our mind. And it is usually the worst possible choice for us to mentally chew on.
In all things we need to pause before allowing our soul, i.e. (Mind, will and emotions) to be polluted by the devil’s word. Need I remind you Satan, is the father of all lies. There is no truth in him. Therefore, resist him and do not entertain his thoughts. You will be surprised at what will happen if you give G3D the chance to speak before acting upon Satan’s destructive advice.
Train your brain to only follow G3D’s Will and not allow your flesh to dictate how you are to live your life. In doing so you will build a wall of protection. G3D’s Heavenly Host will encircle you wherever you go.
Over time, you will begin to see that when you pray, a way is made for you to receive whatever your heart desires. Walking in the Spirit is more than being baptized in the Holy Spirit. It’s like faith. You can have it but if you don’t use it your faith is dead, “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also” (James 2:26 NKJV).

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