A Short Dust Pan Pour - Bright and Vibrant Acrylic Pour, totally out of my comfort zone!

2 years ago

A Short Dust Pan Pour - Bright and Vibrant Acrylic Pour, totally out of my comfort zone

It's been a while since I got into my paints, so decided to step 100% out of my comfort zone and just paint something crazy! I broke out my mini dust pan, and had some fun!

If you'd like to see a full-length tutorial on a painting like this please let me know!

This used Artist Loft Flow acrylic paints, with one Extreme Sheen Metallic to create those vibrant red cells.

Paints Used

Artist Loft Soft Body Acrylic White

Artist Loft Soft Body Acrylic Black

Artist Loft Flow Acrylic Yellow

DecoART Extreme Sheen Ruby

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