Weekly Pick A Card - A Message You Need To Hear This Week!

2 years ago

02:35 Group 1 Frankenstein's Monster Cookie
19:46 Group 2 Mummy Cookie
34:04 Group 3 Ghost Cookie
What will happen this week? Pick a card, pile, number or cookie to hear your weekly reading with messages. Why are these energies so important, and how do they impact YOUR week? We also work through any "issues" or lessons that may be coming.

🔮 Tarot Journal 🔮
Do your own readings and record the results! I designed a tarot journal! It includes a reference section, which makes it perfect for beginners.

🔮 Deck Used: 🔮
Sacred Geometry Activations by LON
Tarot of Mystical Moments by Catrin Welz-Stein
Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

🔮 Weekly Pick-A-Card Readings 🔮

🔮 Stalk Me or Contact Me 🔮
Instagram: @Elevated_Intuition
TikTok @Elevated_Intuition

â—¾ Disclaimer â—¾
Anything expressed in this video is my personal opinion and should be viewed for entertainment purposes only. I am not a licensed physician. I am not qualified to give you legal advice. Please use your discernment and personal judgement when watching tarot/oracle readings on YouTube. These readings are general readings for everyone and in no way should be used in place of your personal judgement.

#pickacard #tarotreading #weeklytarotreading #weeklyenergy #thisweeksenergy #timeless #timelesstarotreading #channeledmessages #zodiac #pickacardreading #octoberpredictions #collective

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