GEFNFL Week 5 Recap 10/14/2022

1 year ago

Hey everybody welcome back to another recap of our GEFNFL game.

GEFNFL Week 5 10/14/2022 Recap

The start of the evening the weather was cloudy, with a little wind and some rain. Clearing up a little after the first quarter. With enough players to start off with a 6 verse 6 game, going to a 7 verse 7 game once a few more players showed up towards the second quarter.

Blue Team started off the game with the ball but was stopped by Red Team before the cameras could get rolling. Blue Team drove down and scored the first touchdown with a nice throw from Jones to Montes De Oca. Blue Team answers that with their first touchdown of the game with a great pass from Tehan to Polczynski.

Red Team puts together a drive to try to answer blues last touchdwon, but Orozco was in position to jump the play for his first pick six of the game. Scoring Blue Team their second touchdown.

Red Team puts together another drive only making it to midfield before being stopped. Blue Team drove back down the field getting stopped in the redzone. Red tries to drive back down the field just to get intercepted once again by Schott after a tipped pass bounced in his direction. Blue pinned down at the 2 yard line made an effort to get out of the hole, but was stopped by Red Team putting them in great field position to try to get back in the game.

Red tired to put together a redzone drive, only to get pick off once again by Orozco for another pick six!! This was about the time Plesetz joined the game making it a 7 verse 7 game. Red Team still trying to get back in the game, puts together another drive getting sacked and stopped on a fourth down stop on the 2 yard line putting Blue Team in great field position to score their next Touchdown with a pass from Orozco to Polczynski.

Red Team put together another drive getting all the way past midfield only to get picked off again by Plesetz. Blue Team drove down to the 2 yard line only to get picked of in the endzone by Montes De Oca. Blue Team managed to make a fourth down stop, Tried to take it back down field only get pick off again by Montes De Oca, off of an attempted flie flicker play by Blue Team.

The next drives were a battle with Blue managing to get another touchdown with a pass from Tehan to Plesetz. Making it a 5 to 1 game, this was about the time we called for last score. Red put together thier final drive of the game and got the last score with a pass thrown by Weidemen that got deflected off of Schott then Barta and into the hands of Jones.

Blue Team won this game, Another Great game of GEFNFL.

Final Score

Red - 2 TDs, 3 Ints, 1 Sack

Blue - 5 TDs, 4 Ints, 6 Sacks

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