The Stormkeep #30 - How to Counter Nighthaunt

1 year ago

Part 5 of our ongoing "How to Counter Everything" series, in this video Knight-Guestor Alex and the gang take a deep dive on what makes Nighthaunt such a significant threat in Age of Sigmar.
We examine their key units, common strategies, the faction strengths and weaknesses, and put it all together to offer some advice on how to approach a battle against Nighthaunt. Finally, we look at our favourite units to have in our armies if we are expecting to play against a Nighthaunt army.

Kaiju Gaming Lounge:

0:00:00 - Introduction
0:09:15 - Effective Health
0:11:06 - Nighthaunt Allegiance Abilities
0:16:51 - Common Enhancements
0:30:45 - Subfactions
0:44:08 - Krulghast Cruciator
0:48:37 - Guardian of Souls
0:51:59 - Purple Sun of Shyish
1:03:06 - Spirit Torment
1:08:26 - Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief
1:15:33 - Spirit Hosts
1:25:37 - Grimghast Reapers
1:30:42 - Bladegheist Revenants
1:34:55 - Dreadscythe Harridans
1:37:14 - Hexwraiths
1:42:19 - Myrnmourn Bansheess
1:47:43 - Misc. Units
2:01:42 - Nighthaunt Strengths & Weaknesses
2:06:14 - Nighthaunt Gameplan
2:14:50 - Nighthaunt Weaknesses & Limitations
2:23:43 - How to Counter Nighthaunt
2:29:56 - General Tips
2:34:41 - Good Stormcast Units to Counter Nighthaunt
3:06:45 - Good Stormcast Heroes to Counter Nighthaunt

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