Discussion with Dr. David Nixon regarding microscopy findings in mRNA/DNA injection vials

1 year ago

Dr. Nixon is a family physician in Australia. He has become increasingly concerned about safety and product quality of the covid-19 injections and decided to investigate them independently using a standard optical microscope. His findings are startling and show many types of unexplained debris and structures not previously seen in injectable products. These structures should be considered product contaminations and impurities at a minimum. Due to their size alone they can pose danger to health. Dr. Nixon has demonstrated that in case of Pfizer product, certain structures grow when exposed to electromagnetic fields (from a wifi router) and do not grow when shielded from this field by a Faraday bag (a bag designed to shield electronic devices). This presentation poses more questions than answers. The manufacturers and regulators evade answering these and many other questions and are trying to prevent the independent analysis of the vials.

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